Papers, 1950-


Papers, 1950-

Boxes 1-63 include manuscripts, correspondence, and various printed materials of English professor and author Earl Roy Miner. Correspondents include Conrad Aiken, Richard Aldington, Ifor Evans, John Masefield, Ezra Pound, Wallace Stevens, Thornton Wilder, and William Carlos Williams. Manuscripts include The Japanese tradition in British and American literature, Japanese court poetry, 550-1350, Dryden's poetry : an introduction, Restoration dramatists, An introduction to Japanese court poetry, Japanese poetic diaries, The metaphysical mode from Donne to Cowley, Selected poetry and prose of John Dryden, volume III of Dryden's works (poems 1685-1692), English criticism in Japan, The cavalier mode from Jonson to Cotton, Literary uses of typology from the late Middle Ages to the present, The restoration mode from Milton to Dryden, and Seventeenth century imagery : essays on uses of figurative language from Donne to Farquhar.

90 boxes (45.0 linear ft.)1 oversize box.


SNAC Resource ID: 7427082

University of California, Los Angeles

Related Entities

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Miner, Earl Roy. (person)

Miner was born on Feb. 21, 1927 in Marshfield, WI; BA (1949), MA (1951), and Ph. D in English (1955), Univ. of Minnesota; instructor in English, Williams College, 1953-55; from instructor to professor, UCLA, 1955-72; in 1972 became professor of English at Princeton Univ.; advisory editor, Literary studies -- East and West, Eighteenth century studies, and CLIO; professor, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, 1971-72; published works include Seventeenth century imagery (ed. 1971), The cavalier ...